Dark web credit cards- Learn how they work and protect yourself in the UK


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The dark web is often called the “underbelly of the internet.” It is an anonymous network of websites that can only be accessed through specific software. While it has several legitimate uses, it is also known as the marketplace for illicit activities.

Buying and selling stolen credit card information is one such illicit activity. This crime is more common than expected, given the strict penalties for this misdemeanor. In fact, according to a 2021 study, approximately 65% of credit card holders have been victims of fraud at some point.

In this article, we’ll learn how dark web credit cards work and what you can do to protect yourself from online credit card theft.

How the dark web credit cards work in the UK

While the dark web can also be a secure place for us to access information and communicate with one another, it’s often used by vendors of illegal goods and services. The most common illicit items on the dark web include firearms, drugs, and credit card information.

The latter is one of the most lucrative markets on the dark web; thousands of stolen credit card details are available for purchase. The process is as simple as online shopping. Here’s how it works:

It’s also pertinent to note that stolen credit cards have various types based on their value and risk. Dumps have the most negligible value and risk, whereas Fullz cards have the most value and risk, and CVV2s include the three-digit security codes found at the back of the credit cards.

Involving yourself in the purchasing or selling of stolen credit cards is a risky business. 

Getting scammed is the least of the involved parties’ concerns. Law enforcement constantly monitors the dark web, and any involvement in this activity will be considered breaking the law.

How are credit cards stolen online?

There are various methods that criminals use to steal credit cards online. The following are some commonly known methods:


Phishing involves tricking credit card holders into sharing their information. You could receive an email or a message from what might look like a legitimate company, such as an online retailer or bank, but it is a fraudster. In the message, you will be asked to click on a link and enter your credit card details, which the scammer will then capture.


Skimming refers to stealing credit card information from physical cards. The cybercriminal installs a small device, known as a “skimmer,” on credit card reachers, such as the ones you see at retail stores, ATMs, or gas stations. The installed device reads the magnetic stripe on the card with the cardholder’s information and sends it to the cybercriminal.


Hacking, which exploits a website or a computer system’s vulnerabilities, is quite common. It equips cybercriminals to access the credit card details stored on the system after the breach. 


Malware grants cybercriminals unauthorized access to a computer system. It is typically downloaded on the victim’s system through phishing emails or malicious websites. Malware takes screenshots or records keystrokes to steal credit cards from your computer’s screen.

Public WiFi

Public WiFi networks are not secure and, therefore, more accessible for cybercriminals to hack into. They present several risks for users, including those from hackers. Malicious parties can intercept your information when you use public WiFi to access online banking or purchase online.

Physical theft

Of course, credit cards are also stolen physically. You can mistakenly leave your credit card unattended or lose it in the mail, which could land in the wrong hands.

How to prevent getting your credit card stolen

You can prevent credit card theft by taking some precautionary measures. For example, you could use strong passwords coupled with two-factor authentication when accessing your online accounts.

Moreover, it’s best to avoid public WiFi when accessing sensitive financial information or purchasing online. You should also check your credit card statements to detect suspicious activity and only enter your details on secure websites with HTTPS in the URL and a padlock icon in the address bar.

Some credit cards also include built-in fraud protection, which you can avail of to ensure your financial safety at all times.

How a VPN can protect you from credit card theft

Using PureVPN can help you reduce the risk of stolen credit card information. It will allow you to create a private and secure connection to the internet. The software encrypts your traffic and routes it through a remote server.

PureVPN follows all the security and safety protocols necessary to prevent others from intercepting your data and tracking your online activity. The following are some of the reasons why you should use PureVPN to protect yourself from credit card theft:

Access websites safely

Accessing the dark web exposes you to several potential security risks. PureVPN allows you to access the dark web safely, making it more difficult for others to track your online activity or steal your credit card information.

Use public WiFi stress-free

As mentioned, public WiFi exposes you to a lot of security threats. PureVPN uses 256-bit AES encryption to ensure safety even when connected to a public WiFi network. 

Encrypt your traffic

PureVPN encrypts your traffic, scrambling your online activity and making it unreadable to third parties trying to intercept it. Consequently, hacking into your system to steal your credit card details becomes nearly impossible.

Hide your IP address

PureVPN hides your IP address, a unique identifier to track your online activity. It can also link your online training to your credit card information. 

Frequently asked questions

Can a VPN prevent credit card theft?

PureVPN hides your IP address and encrypts your internet traffic, making it difficult for cybercriminals to intercept sensitive data, including credit card information.

Can a VPN protect my credit card details on every website?

While PureVPN adds several layers of protection to maintain online security and privacy, it can’t guarantee 100% protection from credit card theft. It would help if you always were cautious when sharing your credit card information on websites.

Can I use public WiFi without a VPN?

Cybercriminals can easily intercept your internet traffic on public WiFi without a VPN. It is recommended to use a VPN always when using a public WiFi network to ensure your online privacy and security.

What should I consider when choosing a VPN for credit card security?

It would help if you considered choosing a VPN with a no-logs policy and a high-level encryption protocol to avoid online credit card theft. Choosing a VPN provider with a successful track record of protecting user security and privacy would also be best.

Should I use a free VPN for credit card security?

Free VPNs are often not trustworthy and could put your online privacy and security more at risk. It would help if you used a paid VPN from a reputable provider to ensure the best protection for your credit card information.

Concluding remarks

Dark web credit cards are standard, but you don’t have to fall victim to stolen credit cards. With appropriate safety and security measures, you can avoid stealing your credit card information online. 

Try PureVPN; it comes with high-grade security and safety protocols, such as IPV6 and DNS leak protection, an internet kill switch, and a no-logs policy, making it the ultimate fail-safe for protecting your credit card details online.

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