How to Delete Your Venmo Account

Ovais Khan

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Are you looking for ways to delete your Venmo account without any hassle? Follow the easy steps provided in the guide below to help you tackle your problem.

What is Venmo?

Venmo is a popular peer-to-peer financial app available on Android and iPhone allowing individuals to send and receive money. You can easily do it through your phone and access your financial details in a convenient manner.

How to cancel a Venmo account

It’s pretty straightforward. All you are required to do is click on “Cancel my Venmo account” at the bottom of your profile section. Do this once you’ve logged in from your computer. 

As of now, it doesn’t allow you to cancel your account from a mobile app, it has to be done from the computer, which process will also disable your business profile.

Log in to your Venmo account using your credentials on your browser

Open Venmo settings and fill out all the information needed to proceed

Once done, click on ‘Close my account’

Click on ‘Next’ to proceed with the deletion of your account

How to delete a Venmo account from an Android device

As you’re aware, most Venmo users heavily rely on their mobile devices to conduct transactions, as it’s considered a handy digital wallet. However, you cannot delete your account through your Android mobile app. Instead, connectivity to a laptop or desktop PC is a must. For starters, you must be signed in to your Venmo website from your browser. You will have to take care of a few things before you can initiate the account deletion process through the Venmo app on your Android.

First, you must check your balance in the app as Venmo will not close the account if it has a remaining amount. Any outstanding amount must be withdrawn before you can proceed to close it. If you do have a balance, you can use your Android app to transfer all the funds from your account by following the steps below:

  1. Sign in to your account from the Venmo app.
  2. Select the blue “You” icon located in the upper-left corner of the screen.
  3. Tap “Add or Transfer” right under your profile picture.
  4. Enter the total amount of money remaining in your account.
  5. Select “Instant” (for a small fee) or “1-3 Business Days” (free).
  6. Choose the desired location (debit card or bank account) where you want the money transferred.
  7. Tap “Transfer” to confirm.

This may take a few days before the withdrawal is complete but it’s vital to not close your account until you have confirmed it has no remaining balance. Once the transfer is confirmed, you can sign in from the browser and follow the directions to delete your account for good.

How to delete a Venmo account on an iPhone

So far you’ve probably only used your iPhone for conducting transactions on Venmo. But did you know that the app doesn’t allow you to delete your account from your phone? Due to security reasons, you will need a computer or a laptop to do the needful. Bear in mind that Venmo will only close an account with zero balance and not otherwise. Follow these steps and check beforehand if there’s any remaining balance that needs to be transferred to another account before you finally close it.

Here’s how:

  1. Log in to your Venmo account from your phone app.
  2. Tap “You
  3. Select the “Add or Transfer” option.
  4. Type the exact amount you want to withdraw.
  5. Select “Instant” (for a small fee) or “1-3 Business Days” (free).
  6. Choose the desired location (debit card or bank account) where you want the money transferred.
  7. Confirm “Transfer” by clicking on the green button.

Once the account has been deleted, it will take a few days for the transaction to complete. Prior to the account deletion, you will receive a notification about the withdrawal from Venmo regarding the transfer of money.

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