How to Speed Up YouTube Videos

Security Panda

YouTube – the video streaming giant gets 30 million visitors per day. With almost 300 hours of video uploaded to YouTube every minute and almost 5 billion videos watched every single day, YouTube is a great platform for students and anyone who’s looking for informative videos.

YouTube contributors, Vloggers, and multiple channels make the entire video streaming experience better than any other streaming platform. Some YouTube videos are very long, exceeding the hour-long mark.

YouTube offers a very handy feature that allows you to speed up the videos rather than skipping around from one section of the video to another and hoping you don’t miss any vital information.

YouTube has a feature that allows you to increase the playback speed, up to twice as fast as normal. Here’s how to do it.

How to speed up YouTube videos on your computer

  1. Go to the YouTube video you want to watch and click “Pause” when it begins to play
  2. Click the gear icon at the bottom of the video and select “Playback speed
  3. Select your desired playback speed
  4. Click “Play

How to speed up YouTube videos on your mobile device

You can use the process to speed up YouTube videos on your Android or iPhone device

  1. Open your YouTube app and go to the video you want to watch
  2. Tap the video once — this will prompt a menu overlay to appear — then tap the three dots
  3. Tap “Playback speed
  4. Select the speed you prefer

You can also slow down a YouTube video by altering its playback speed to as low as 0.25x the normal speed.

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