KRACK Attack: Here Are KRACK Wi-Fi Security Fixes


A major security flaw has been discovered recently, and it affects practically everyone that uses Wi-Fi. Yes, you read that right. The vulnerability is called Key Reinstallation Attack aka KRACK, and it has put millions of devices around the world at serious risk.

What is KRACK?

It’s a way for hackers to decrypt and spy on your online activities. That includes the usernames, passwords, file sent or received and online conversations that take place over your Wi-Fi network. What makes the flaw threatening is how it directly affects the well-known WPA-2 security protocol, an encryption method used by most Wi-Fi networks.

Related Article: 
How You Can Protect Yourself From KRACK WiFi Vulnerability

All is Not Lost!

Hold on there, no need to be fearful as companies are actively working on KRACK Wi-Fi security fixes. While the exploitation scripts have long been there, some devices have instantly received KRACK Wi-Fi patch updates to secure the vulnerability.

Let’s be clear, changing your password won’t make a difference, (though it is a healthy thing to do), as this is about downloading software updates for Wi-Fi enabled devices – from smartphones to smartwatches and maybe even your Wi-Fi enabled fridge!

If you don’t have a KRACK Wi-Fi patch for your device, you should be extremely cautious while using the device. Try not to use the vulnerable device for a while until it gets the KRACK Wi-Fi patch update.

KRACK Wi-Fi Security Fixes

While most devices have received security updates, the danger of an attack still exists. With WPA-3 still not here, it’s imperative that you secure your Internet connection and what better way to do that than with PureVPN’s military-grade encryption.

Here’s an update on the list of companies who have released the update, in the process, or have no clue about it:

*we will be updating this list as enterprises reply to our request*

 Company Name



Apple has ALREADY released a patch update in macOS 10.13.1 (beta only).
Apple will likely release the KRACK Wi-Fi patch in iOS 11.1 this week.
The company will widely roll out an update for iOS and Mac users in a few days.


Windows reacted promptly and sent out an automatic update for Windows 7, 8, 8.1 & 10 users.


Linux worked swiftly and released KRACK Wi-Fi Patches updates for Ubuntu 14.04+, Arch, OpenBSD, Debian, Gentoo, and Linux upstream.

 Intel chipsets 

Intel released firmware updates for its various chipsets.

 Raspberry Pi 

Jessian, Stretch has been fixed. Wheezy and others will receive updates by October 17.


Android will fix at patch level by November 6, 2017.

 Lineage OS 

Fixes have been merged and will be rolled out in next weekly release.


Samsung’s flagship devices have received Google security patches, but older models have still not received KRACK Wi-Fi patches.

 Google Wi-Fi 

Google will release a patch soon.

 Apple Airport 

No news on the Apple Airport.


No updates have been released. Expect updates soon.


Firmware 3.9.3 solves the concern.


Router  OS v6.39.3, v6.40.4, v6.41rc and up.


Fixes available in night by night updates.


eerOS 3.5 and up is secure.


AVM is somewhat aware of the vulnerability but doesn’t feel an update is necessary.


Fixed in core, waiting for an update.

 Cisco Meraki 

Fixed with Meraki 24.11 and 25.7.


Updates are available across Aruba hardware.


FortiAP 5.6.1 and up are secure.


Updates are now available on Cisco hardware.


The company is aware of the vulnerability and has released an official statement regarding the routers that are affected and the ones that aren’t.


KRACK Wi-Fi security fix is now available.

 KPN (NL) 

No information on the fix.


Nest claims that their devices aren’t affected.


No information on Sonos.


Amazon is still in the process of reviewing devices while there is no fix issued for Echo etc.


Belkin is aware of the issue, yet there is no fix for Wemo/Linksys devices.

TELUS TELUS tweeted the status stating the they are still working on the issue
Bell Canada Bell Canada stated on Tweeter that it is getting in touch with its WiFi modem suppliers, ensuring that they have provided the customers with security fixes
iiNet ⚠ iiNet is contacting its suppliers to assess if the devices require security updates
LinkSys LinkSys tweeted that its team is still working on the issue
HTC HTC tweeted its customers that it will update the status on its social channels

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Final Verdict

Make sure you update your Wi-Fi enabled devices before your personal data gets compromised.

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