How to balance productivity and online security while working remotely

Adil Ahsan Ali

Did you know that remote workers reportedly get more work done than their on-site counterparts?

According to a 2022 report, 70% of organizations believe their workers are more productive in remote settings. Moreover, another research showed that 77% of employees feel more productive when working from home.

While these statistics highlight a positive relation between remote work and productivity, other key findings have highlighted how remote workers can be vulnerable to a range of cyberthreats. In fact, 79% of organizations claim that remote working has negatively affected their cybersecurity. 

There is no denying that remote work is here to stay. So, how can these workers enhance productivity without compromising online security? In this blog post, we will discuss the risks faced by those working from home or elsewhere and how PureMax can address their biggest challenges.

Understanding the remote work security risks

An international survey showed that remote workers are more likely to experience anxiety over cybersecurity issues than regular workers. It also discovered that 67% of those working from home worry about their online privacy and security, while 65% of such employees believe the internet has become a more dangerous place.

Unfortunately, their fears are not unfounded. A 2022 meta-analysis showed that remote workers have become the primary target of cybercriminals, resulting in a 238% increase in online attacks. Similarly, another report revealed the average data breach costs rose to $4.24 million in 2021 from $3.86 million in 2020. Alarmingly, in instances involving remote work, this figure increased by $1.07 million.

Here are some of the top security risks remote workers are likely to encounter:

  1. Ransomware and phishing attacks: Remote workers can become victims of ransomware and phishing attacks by clicking on seemingly innocuous links sent by cybercriminals.
  2. Poor password hygiene: Using weak passwords or reusing login credentials can compromise the online privacy and security of remote workers.
  3. File sharing over unsecure network: Those working remotely are more likely to use public WiFi to share important documents than their in-office colleagues, making it easier for hackers to intercept them.
  4. Unsecured personal devices: Nearly 60% of remote workers use unsecured personal devices for work purposes, which poses many online safety challenges.
  5. Online tracking: Digital tracking through social media and other platforms can also pose a significant risk to the digital security of those working outside the office.

Using PureMax to balance productivity and online security

When remote employees use unsecured WiFi networks and devices to perform their jobs, they put themselves at a bigger risk than they realize. 
Luckily, PureMax, a newly introduced suite of best-in-class cybersecurity products, can effectively address these cybersecurity gaps and prevent criminals from exploiting them. The limited-time deal offers 4x more security with a cutting-edge VPN service, advanced password manager, an encryption tool, and a digital privacy manager.

Let’s look at how PureMax can enhance productivity without compromising online security.

  1. Establishing a secure network: A secure VPN work setup can safeguard remote workers from a plethora of cybersecurity threats. A service such as PureVPN will not only shield your IP address and online activity but also offer protection against those seeking to steal your data by encrypting your communication. To ensure the utmost level of security for your company, consider implementing an enterprise remote access VPN solution.
  2. Create unique passwords: Strong passwords are crucial for remote workers. They prevent unauthorized parties from accessing your personal information, thus strengthening your digital protection. A password manager like PureKeep can also keep you safe from data breaches and identity theft.
  3. Employ encryption methods: Personal devices usually do not have the same level of encryption or security as corporate work devices. Hence, encrypting sensitive documents and files with PureEncrypt can employ an additional layer of security to your file storage.
  4. Avoid third party tracking: PurePrivacy presents a one-stop solution to manage your digital footprint by blocking online trackers and third-party advertisers. It can also request data brokers to delete any information they may have accumulated about you on your behalf. Last but not least, it allows remote workers to maintain their online reputation with complete peace of mind.

To summarize

With remote working becoming the new normal in the post-pandemic world, employees need an all-encompassing solution for their cybersecurity woes. PureMax offers extra protection on all digital fronts without adversely affecting the productivity of its users. For the low price of $4.16 per month, remote workers can get access to four groundbreaking tools: PureVPN, PureEncrypt, PureKeep, and PurePrivacy. 

To learn more about this amazing deal, please click here

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