NCSAM 2014 Has Concluded – What’s Next?


NCSAM 2014 has just concluded! So, what’s next in cyber world?

First, we would like to thank ‘Stop. Think. Connect’ and ‘Staysafeonline’ for organizing NCSAM 2014 in collaboration with Homeland Security and National Cyber Alliance of the United States. Although, awareness month of cyber security has concluded, it’s our mutual social responsibility to apply all the knowledge that has been imparted in this month.

Today is Halloween and all ghosts will be out in full force in search of souls. Well, it’s scary. Right? But, there are plenty of reasons to be spooked about especially if you’re a professional IT practitioner. Between expanding vulnerabilities, sophisticated malware attacks, and devastating breaches, IT practitioners need to learn good tips from NCSAM 2014.

During the month, PureVPN has observed few scary things which we would like to share today, as we all are saying goodbye to NCSAM 2014.
1. Less Awareness About The Common Internet Threat

We have observed that internet users, whether a student or a professional, except for IT practitioners, have limited awareness about common threats of the internet. They are unable to identify a trusted website or a scam. This is why; cybercrime is growing day by day.

For a detailed article, please visit the link HERE!

2. Less Awareness On How to Prevent From identity Theft?

Internet users usually think that they are less vulnerable to identity theft and have nothing to lose. They consider themselves as the least priority for any hacker. But, in reality, hackers are always in search of easy targets. We all need to get ourselves equipped with enough knowledge that we can not only prevent ourselves from identity theft but also can launch a counter attack.

For a detailed article, please visit the link HERE!

3. Less Awareness On How to Use Social Profiles Safely?

Most of us post almost everything about our personal life on social profiles including photos, addresses, email IDs and even phone numbers. This is the silliest thing to do. But, due to lack of information, we consider it as a safe practice while it is not.

4. Less Awareness of Mobile App Security

As of today, there are billions of Smartphone users who carry out their day to day activities online. Lack of knowledge about mobile app security and Smartphone data safety, every day we face million of threats from hackers and identity thieves.

5. Less Awareness of Web Browser Security

The web browser is the focal point to connect to the internet, but unfortunately we take it so lightly that we never consider checking for extra security. Most of the hacking attempts were made through targeting vulnerabilities in your web browser. This is why it is very important to understand the need of secure web browser.

For a detailed article, please visit the link HERE!

Final Words for NCSAM 2014

PureVPN champions the four constituents of online freedom, Security, Privacy, Anonymity and Accessibility. To this point, no matter if it’s NCSAM or not, PureVPN will always fulfill its responsibility and keep people educated about online security and privacy, while providing the best tips on how to keep yourself safe over the internet.

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