is bluestack safe for mac and windows pc?

Is Bluestacks Safe to Use on Mac & Windows PC in the UK

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PUREVPNIs Bluestacks Safe to Use on Mac & Windows PC in the UK

Bluestacks is one of the most popular Android emulators, with more than 130 million users across the world. However, some antivirus software might detect Bluestacks as a threat (malware, virus, etc.) to your system. This raises the following question: is Bluestacks safe?

Well, read on to find out:

What is Bluestacks?

bluestacks emulator

As mentioned above, Bluestacks is an Android emulator. In simple terms, it’s a program that enables you to run your favorite Android applications on your computer. You can install and run it on both Mac and Windows.

With Bluestacks, you can play games like Candy Crush, PUBG MOBILE, Rules of Survivor, and Call of Duty: Mobile. You’re also able to use messaging apps such as Viber, Facebook Messenger, Discord, Telegram, and WhatsApp.

Is Bluestacks Safe for Windows and MAC PCs in the UK?

is bluestacks safe

The short answer: yes! Bluestacks might be detected as a threat by some anti-virus software like McAfee and Avast, but it turns out these malware detections are false positives, i.e. when an antivirus wrongly identifies a legitimate process or file as malware. Therefore, installing Bluestacks won’t harm your Mac or Windows computer – as long as you download it from their website!

Bluestacks states, “When downloaded from official sources, such as our website, Bluestacks does not have any sort of malware or malicious programs. However, we cannot guarantee the safety of our emulator when you download it from any other source.”

Another reason users have safety concerns about Bluestacks is that it requires disabling antivirus protection during the installation process. However, this is only temporarily to ensure the software installs properly, and you can re-enable your antivirus once done. It isn’t uncommon for programs to recommend deactivating antivirus programs first.

What’s more, Bluestacks is backed by investments from companies like Samsung, Qualcomm, AMD, and Intel, which wouldn’t be the case if the software was suspicious or malicious.

Security Test of Bluestacks Setup File on Virustotal:

Bluestacks setup file is completely safe, according to Virustotal website.

Is it Safe to Log into Your Google Account on Bluestacks?

log into google play store on bluestacks

When you launch Bluestacks on your computer, you have to log into your Google account so that you can gain access to the Play Store and all of its features, much like booting an Android-powered phone for the first time.

So, yes, it’s completely safe to link your Google account to Bluestacks – there’s really no harm in doing so. But if you want, you can also create and use an alternate Google account with Bluestacks instead of your main one. 

Is Bluestacks Secure According to the Reddit Community?

Here are some top responses from the Reddit community about Bluestacks’ security: 

How to Install Bluestacks on Windows in the UK

Just follow these simple steps to get started with Bluestacks on your Windows computer:

  1. Download Bluestacks from their official website. Select the installer based on your bit version.
  2. Once downloaded, go ahead and open the installer.
  3. Click Install Now or Customize Installation (if you want to install Bluestacks to your desired location).
  4. Wait for the installation process to complete.
  5. Bluestacks will launch automatically.
  6. Just log into your Google account (or create it if you don’t have one), and you’re done!

How to Install Bluestacks on Mac in the UK

Just follow these simple steps to get started with Bluestacks on your Mac computer:

  1. Download Bluestacks from their official website. Select Mac as your operating system.
  2. Once downloaded, go ahead and open the installer.
  3. Double-click the Bluestacks icon to start the installation process.
  4. You might be asked to confirm if you want to use the installer. Click Open.
  5. A new window will appear. Now, click Install Now.
  6. Enter your Username & Password and click Install Helper.
  7. A “System Extension Blocked” popup might appear. Click Open Security & Privacy and hit the Allow button.
  8. Just log into your Google account after the installation is complete, and you’re done!

What are the System Requirements for Bluestacks?

Your system needs to meet the following criteria to install and use Bluestacks successfully:

MacMinimum RequirementsRecommended RequirementsWindowsMinimum RequirementsRecommended Requirements
OS VersionmacOS Sierra (or higher)macOS Mojave or macOS Catalina)OS VersionWindows 7 (or higher)Windows 10
ProcessorAMD or Intel Dual Core ProcessorAMD or Intel Multi-Core Processor with Single Thread PassMark score of 1500ProcessorAMD or Intel ProcessorAMD or Intel Multi-Core Processor with Single Thread PassMark score of 1000
Graphics CardIntel HD 5200 (or higher)ATI/Nvidia/Intel, Onboard or Discrete controller with PassMark score of 750Graphics CardNoATI/Nvidia/Intel, Onboard or Discrete controlled with PassMark score of 750
VirtualizationShould be enabledShould be enabledVirtualizationShould be enabledShould be enabled
RAM4 GB8 GB (or higher)RAM2 GB (or higher)8 GB (or higher)
HDD Space8 GB free disk spaceSSD with 32 GB free disk spaceHDD Space5 GB free disk spaceSSD (or Hybrid/Fusion Drives)
Graphics DriversGraphics driver with support for OpenGL 2.1Up-to-date graphics driver with support for OpenGL 2.1 (or higher)Graphics DriversUp-to-date graphics drivers from Microsoft or the chipset vendorUp-to-date graphics drivers from Microsoft or the chipset vendor
AdministratorShould be an Administrator of your computerShould be an Administrator on your computerAdministratorShould be an Administrator on your computerShould be an Administrator on your computer

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some commonly asked questions about Bluestacks:

Yes, using Bluestacks is 100% legal as it only emulates an operating system (Android) that isn’t illegal itself. However, the same can’t be said when it comes to emulators for Gameboy or Nintendo because you need to download ROMs (these are protected by copyright) for them to work, which is illegal.

Can You Play Among Us Safely on Bluestacks?

Yes, you can play Among Us safely on your computer using Bluestacks.

Emulate Away!

Is Bluestacks safe for Mac and Windows computers? Absolutely. The program is used by millions of people worldwide, and you too can use it to run your favorite Android apps on your PC. However, certain apps are only available in certain regions, and you’ll need to download a VPN on your Mac or Windows device to access them restriction-free via Bluestacks.

Is BlueStacks a Chinese company?

BlueStacks is a software and technology company based in the US. It is mostly known for its BlueStacks App Player which enables Android apps to run on Windows and Mac PCs. BlueStacks has also created other cloud-based cross-platform products.




January 25, 2023


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