Ukraine Arrests Hacker for Selling Bank Accounts of American, Canadian users

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PUREVPNNewsUkraine Arrests Hacker for Selling Bank Accounts of American, Canadian users

A groundbreaking arrest by Ukraine’s cyber police has put the spotlight on a sophisticated cybercrime operation that targeted bank accounts of users in the United States and Canada, selling their personal financial information on the dark web. 

The Mechanism of Cyber Deception

The individual cleverly disguised harmful software as harmless applications, available for free on various websites he controlled. These websites were aggressively promoted online, drawing in unsuspecting users into downloading the malicious software.

Once installed, this software went to work silently, extracting sensitive information from the victims’ devices. This data, including online banking and Google account credentials, was then used by the perpetrator to gain unauthorized access to the victims’ accounts.

Dark Web Transactions and the Hunt for Accomplices

The stolen account was sold on the dark web, with transactions conducted in Bitcoin. The perpetrator used secure communication channels to deal with buyers, indicating a well-organized operation.

According to the authorities, the individual had accomplices who were involved in managing the sales on darknet platforms. They are currently being sought by authorities as their identities are not known. 

Investigations have revealed that the operation dates back to 2017, with a significant portion of the activities centered around phishing. The financial gains from this illicit enterprise are estimated to be at least $92,000, though the true extent of the financial damage is likely much greater.

A raid on the suspect’s home led to the seizure of significant evidence, including a luxury vehicle. The individual now faces charges that could result in up to eight years of imprisonment, highlighting the severe consequences of engaging in cybercrime.

Final Word

This incident highlights the importance of vigilance in the digital age. Users are advised to exercise caution when downloading software, especially from promoted search engine results. Verifying the legitimacy of download sources and using ad-blockers can offer additional layers of protection against such cyber threats.


Anas Hasan


February 19, 2024


3 months ago

Anas Hassan is a tech geek and cybersecurity enthusiast. He has a vast experience in the field of digital transformation industry. When Anas isn’t blogging, he watches the football games.

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