
Difference Between White, Grey, and Black Hat hackers

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PUREVPNCybersecurityDifference Between White, Grey, and Black Hat hackers

The Internet has now become the primary connectivity agent for the entire planet. Internet users are connected to each other from across the globe,  making data sharing a possibility.

While this is what makes the world as we know it function, there are some bad actors looking for ways to use data for malicious purposes: Hackers . 

Hackers can be divided into three categories: black, white and grey hat hackers. Here’s an in-depth into these types:

Black Hat hackers

Black Hat hackers refers to the class of hackers that are cybercriminals.  These criminals are known for breaking into other computers and internet-connected devices with malicious intent. Their primary goal is not to just get data files from the victim user but to  cause substantial damage to the victim using their data.

For example, the Black Hat hackers are known for releasing ransom demanding software and programs that can only be deactivated with a particular code. But for the user to access this code, the victim has to pay a certain hefty amount. In some instances, data is never recovered despite paying ransom.

Black Hat hackers usually work independently with the  main purpose of getting financial or revenge-driven gains from someone.


White Hat hackers

White Hat hackers are the opposite of Black Hat hackers in every sense of the word. These hackers are known for countering the Black Hat hackers and being  “ethical hackers”” playing their part in upgrading the security dynamics of a system.

A White Hat hacker’s primary goal is to find any kind of breach or network loophole in a system that can allow a Black Hat hacker to breach the system. The organisations then upgrade their system based on the recommendations of these hackers.

It’s like preempting any future attacks by knowing and understanding the methods of hacking. This is also the reason why hacking into corporate-level organisation systems is almost impossible in many cases for Black Hat hackers. 

White Hat hackers are usually employees of an organisation and are responsible for running security checks from time to time. The effective security checkup of such hackers allows the company to save a hefty budget per year.


Grey Hat Hackers

As you may have guessed it, Grey Hat hackers are sort of a combination of both White Hat and Black Hat hackers. Known for their exceptional talents in hacking, they often surface looking for either appreciation, fame, or money for their services. However, they aren’t exactly ethical since they usually penetrate a system without the owner’s permission.

From their point of view, they are just playing their part in the betterment of the cybersecurity network by simply exposing the flaws of a network system. Quite often, these hackers offer solutions through which the owner can prevent any future malicious sites. These hackers may demand a small fee for doing so.


Preventing hackers from attacking your system

Now know the three basic classes of hackers and their operational models. If you are someone  who just started a business, it is better to add anti-hacking measures to your system before it’s too late.

One  such measure is particularly effective and cost-efficient at the same time: a premium VPN  that will safeguard your network from attacks. 

VPNs keep your network IP hidden  so hackers won’t be able to access the IP source.


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June 20, 2023


11 months ago

6-Feet Tall Tech writer.

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