Imam Soomro works at PureVPN in brand partnerships, overseeing YouTube and Twitch platforms and key affiliate accounts. His day to day involves interacting with influencers including esports pro gramers, and vloggers in lifestyle, tech, travel, and other niches. If you’ve ever seen your favorite YouTuber or streamer on Twitch promoting PureVPN, Imam was the person behind that.
He loves his job because it integrates two of his favorite things, gaming and blogging. Moreover, “being able to represent the brand I work for in the community of people I’ve always followed and watch on YouTube and Twitch is super awesome.” He also has the freedom to go beyond those platforms, reaching influencers in other venues, which is absolutely motivating as there’s always an opportunity to discover and connect with new talent.
A day in the life of Imam begins with music. After he wakes up and takes a cold shower, he gets dressed, puts on his earpods, and plays his Spotify daily top hits. In the evening after his workday, he takes a hot shower, enjoys dinner and then games with friends (connected to PureVPN, of course; oh, and you can add him on Discord at iMAMs#4349) before it all ends for the day.
One day, he hopes to start his day with a morning run. That’s a real expressed intention right there; we think the next step is putting on shoes and making it happen.
His favorites:
- Games: Football (that is, soccer for those of us in America)
- TV shows: FRIENDS, as he says “it’s always on my Netflix ‘continue watching’ list as I keep on repeating it.” Additionally, Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, Big Bang Theory, and Prison Break.
- Things to do: gaming, reading, traveling, and of course, watching football
- Color: black and maroon
- Podcasts: Note to Self, TWiT (This Week in Tech), 99% Invisible
- Books: The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, Hooked, The Infinite Game
- Gadget: AR Glasses
- Music: “Mostly Pop but I’m into many other types as well like hip hop, electronic, classical, and folk”
What’s next after the pandemic? Well, if Imam could travel, he will head over to the UEFA Euro 2021 games in St. Petersburg, Russia. As he says “I’d go anywhere for football.” (Editor’s note: the American in me is still trying to correct this to ‘soccer.’) In the meantime, he will spend his weekends playing football, enjoying some online gaming sessions, or even going on a local adventurous trip to a less explored place outside the city.
His preferences:
- Summer or winter? Winter
- Morning or night? Night
- Coffee or tea? Tea
- The mountains or the beach? The mountains
- Netflix, Hulu, HBO, Amazon Prime, BBC, or Disney+? “I want everything to be on Netflix, I don’t know why.” (I think I do, though. It costs way too much to pay all the services!)
- Facebook, reddit, Tik Tok, Snapchat, Instagram, or LinkedIn? (And why?)
“Facebook, because it’s usually a combination of all where I get all the updates. But since we are talking about work here, let’s connect on LinkedIn.”
The self-proclaimed introvert says if he could be an animal, he says “I love whales.” He’s not sure he would actually want to be one, though, but appreciates that they go “very deep inside the sea.” And to think what life is like deep in the sea, covid-free… It’s a life we all kind of wish we’d have right now.