hardware vpn vs software vpn
PUREVPNIndustryHardware VPN vs Software VPN: Which One to Choose?

Companies often scratch their heads over choosing between hardware and software VPNs. Everyone agrees a VPN is key for safety. But which is the top dog? Do you pick the hardware VPN because some say it is  faster? Or save some bucks with a software one? Let’s dive in and see how they measure up against each other in our guide to hardware VPN vs software VPN.


  • Software VPNs, while offering flexibility, cost-effectiveness, and user-friendliness, can match the speed and security levels of hardware VPNs.
  • Hardware VPNs, with their dedicated infrastructure, are typically faster and cater to businesses with specific security demands but come with higher initial costs.
  • PureVPN is a leading software VPN service for individual use, while PureDome serves businesses with advanced VPN features.

What is a Hardware VPN?

A hardware VPN uses specialized devices to create secure connections. Typically placed at a network’s edge, these devices bridge your local network to the broader internet. By doing so, they also change your IP address, making your online activities more anonymous. 

What sets hardware VPNs apart is their dedicated CPU, designed specifically for encrypting and decrypting data. This design means individual devices are not burdened with encryption tasks, ensuring efficient security. Additionally, hardware VPNs usually include added features like robust firewalls and secure SSL connections.

Related Read: SSL vs TLS – What are the Differences?

Benefits of a Hardware VPN 

Here are some benefits of hardware VPNs:

  • High Level of Security: Utilizes state-of-the-art encryption and authentication methods, ensuring robust protection against threats.
  • Scalability: Engineered to efficiently handle a vast number of simultaneous connections, making it ideal for expanding businesses.
  • Centralized Control: Streamlined central management makes overseeing network activities and performing administrative tasks a more unified process.
  • Enhanced Performance: Equipped with dedicated processors, it guarantees faster data transfers, optimizing communication speeds.
  • Dedicated Resources: Features components that are meticulously crafted specifically for encryption operations, ensuring optimal performance.
  • Reliable Uptime: With built-in redundancy features, the system ensures consistent operation, reducing potential interruptions or downtime.
  • Broad Compatibility: Designed to integrate seamlessly with a diverse set of devices and operating systems, providing versatility.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Aligned with rigorous data protection and privacy standards, making it a preferred choice for industries with strict regulatory needs.
  • User-Friendly Access: Offers intuitive interfaces, allowing remote users to effortlessly access networks, be it the main office or other branch locations.

What is a Software VPN?

VPN software is essentially an app that you can install directly onto your device to establish a protected, encrypted connection to a VPN. Unlike hardware VPNs that rely on external devices, these software versions handle data encryption right on your device. 

They are versatile and compatible with a variety of operating systems – such as Android, Linux, iOS, macOS, and Windows – and some devices even come with this VPN feature built-in. Like hardware VPNs, your IP address is also hidden and replaced with another one when you connect to a software VPN.

Related Read: VPN Not Connecting? Try These Fixes!

Benefits of Software VPN 

Here are some benefits of software VPNs:

  • Simple User Experience: Designed for users without in-depth technical knowledge, making setup and use a breeze.
  • Hassle-free Setup: Quick and straightforward downloads allow users to get started without much fuss and effort.
  • High Compatibility: Work on a wide range of operating systems from mobiles and desktops to smart TVs and streaming devices. 
  • Budget-Friendly: Offers robust protection, often at a price point more accessible than hardware versions.
  • Support for Various Protocols: Capable of working with a wide range of VPN protocols to fit different needs.
  • Access to Global Servers: Provides users access to a vast array of server locations around the globe.
  • Frequent Enhancements: Regularly updated to ensure you are getting the best security and performance.
  • Security Add-ons: Some versions come bundled with extra tools to bolster your online defenses.
  • Easy Customization: Designed with a suite of features that users can tweak according to their preferences.

Hardware VPN vs Software VPN 

Here is how hardware VPN and software VPN compare against each other in different categories:

1. Speed

Hardware VPNs typically outpace software VPNs in terms of speed. Their superiority largely stems from dedicated hardware infrastructure specifically tailored for encryption tasks. These hardware VPN devices incorporate specialized CPUs optimized for the complex tasks of encryption and decryption, ensuring swift and smooth data transfers.

On the other hand, software VPNs use the device’s own resources for encryption, so their speed can be influenced by the device’s capabilities. While they are good for everyday browsing, they might lag behind the consistent and faster speeds offered by hardware VPNs when it comes to heavy-duty tasks.

2. Cost

Software VPNs often come out ahead in the cost department. Many prominent software VPN providers offer either free or cost-effective versions, making them an appealing choice for both individual users and businesses. These wallet-friendly options ensure users can enjoy the benefits of online security and privacy without breaking the bank.

On the flip side, hardware VPNs come with higher initial costs, including the purchase of VPN hardware and associated installation fees. This significant outlay makes hardware VPNs more suited to larger organizations or those with specific security demands and the budget to invest in dedicated hardware.

3. Security 

Both hardware and software VPNs offer reliable security, utilizing AES-256 encryption and protocols like OpenVPN and IKEv2.

Hardware VPNs are often perceived as more secure, particularly for entities with stringent security demands. Their enhanced security stems from dedicated hardware components and specialized software integrated into VPN appliances. 

These components are meticulously designed to fend off cyberattacks and ensure robust encryption, shielding against potential vulnerabilities. However, user behavior can introduce risks to software VPNs. For instance, clicking on dubious links or neglecting antivirus updates  can compromise the security of even the most robust software VPNs.

4. Locations

Software VPNs often boast a wide array of server locations, enabling users to connect virtually anywhere in the world. This expansive coverage is invaluable for accessing geo-restricted content or sites exclusive to certain regions. 

In contrast, hardware VPNs might offer a more limited range of server locations, posing potential challenges for international businesses or globetrotting individuals.

5. Scalability

For businesses, scalability is crucial. Software VPNs shine in this aspect, offering the flexibility to scale up or down with ease through the simple addition or removal of user licenses.

On the flip side, scaling with hardware VPNs can pose challenges. Accommodating more users often means installing additional physical routers, leading to increased coordination and costs. Additionally, these VPNs come with connection limits, prompting further investment as the business grows.

Given the rising trend of remote work, software VPNs stand out as a versatile choice. They enable secure connections from anywhere, negating the need for intricate hardware configurations.

6. Setup and Maintenance

Setting up a software VPN is typically straightforward. Most providers offer intuitive applications that can be easily installed and updated, even with minimal technical know-how, making software VPNs an appealing choice for many users.

In contrast, hardware VPNs can present more challenges during the initial setup. They might require firmware updates and occasional troubleshooting. But once set up, they usually run reliably with minimal intervention from IT specialists.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between hardware-based VPN and software based VPN?

The primary difference between a hardware VPN and a software VPN lies in their infrastructure: hardware VPNs rely on physical devices, whereas software VPNs are based on applications that need to be downloaded onto your device to be used.

What is an example of hardware VPN?

Some examples of hardware VPN appliances include Cisco ASA, Zyxel Next Generation VPN and Linksys Business Dual WAN VPN Router.

What is the advantage of using a hardware VPN appliance?

Hardware VPN appliances are meant to safely handle a great deal of traffic, making them ideal for businesses that want exceptional data protection and consistent connectivity.

Final Word

When comparing hardware and software VPNs, the latter takes the lead. They not only go toe-to-toe with hardware VPNs in terms of speed and security but also shine brighter in user-friendliness, cost-effectiveness, and flexibility.

PureVPN is a reliable software VPN service ideal for individuals and families. It is a breeze to set up, ensures top-notch online security, and boasts responsive customer support. PureDome, on the other hand, is PureVPN’s business VPN solution packed with advanced VPN features tailored for companies. 


Hunain Muhammad


January 1, 2024


4 months ago

Hunain Muhammad is a cybersecurity and technology influencer who loves to provide a unique perspective on the latest trends and their impact on the digital age.

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