A closer look at Snapchat parental controls in 2024

How to nurture a safe digital environment with Snapchat parental controls in 2024

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PUREVPNHow to nurture a safe digital environment with Snapchat parental controls in 2024

Is Snapchat putting your kids at risk? Learn how to secure their online experience with Snapchat parental controls. From Snap Map safety to setting up the Snapchat Family Center, we’ve got the essential guide to make Snapchat a safer space for your children. 

Get the facts and take control to protect your little ones in the digital age.

Enhanced Snapchat parental controls

Clocking in at 406 million daily active users, Snapchat might not be the most popular social media app (that crown goes to Facebook, having more than 2 billion users). Nonetheless, it’s a hot favorite among tweens and teens, with a whopping 20% of its users aged 18 and below. 

Moreover, according to the Pew Research Center, 1 in 5 teenagers is online “almost constantly” on YouTube, Snapchat or TikTok. Teenagers between the ages of 13 and 17 are glued to social media channels where 14% teenages are obsessed with Snapchat. You can read more about it here.

While the platform offers numerous helpful features like Snap Map, it can also expose this age group to potentially inappropriate and explicit content. So, how can you ensure your kids’ safety while allowing them to enjoy Snapchat?

Fortunately, Snapchat has taken a step forward in online safety with the launch of new parental controls exclusively for children aged 13 to 17. This update empowers parents and guardians to protect minors from potentially inappropriate content within the app. It provides access to advanced filtering options offering enhanced content controls for parents, through Snapchat’s Family Center supervision tool. 

This crucial safety feature not only adds a layer of protection but also demonstrates Snapchat’s commitment to prioritizing online safety for its younger users. It allows parents to take control of the content their children are exposed to while using the app.

But before delving into the details of the Snapchat parental controls, let’s focus our attention on whether Snapchat is actually safe for kids and teens.

Is Snapchat safe for preteens and teens?

Most kids hop on Snapchat to have a blast and stay connected with friends, and yes, there’s some mature/sensitive content, but that’s generally suitable for teens aged 16 and up. However, let’s shine a light on three risky areas:

  1. The myth of disappearing messages

In the early days, it was believed that the messages sent on the Snapchat app would self-destruct. While any app can be misused, many kids hold the misconception that Snapchat provides an inherent safety net. 

It’s crucial for teens to understand that the content they share can be saved and shared indefinitely. Initiating a conversation about this, perhaps during the Snapchat Family Center set-up, can set the tone for responsible usage.

  1. The time distraction

Snapchat is undeniably fun, with Snapstreaks and Stories introducing a time-pressure element that may make kids feel obligated to check in regularly. If your child seems stressed or overly preoccupied, consider stepping in and utilizing Snapchat parental controls to manage usage patterns.

  1. Privacy and safety

Adding friends on Snapchat is easy,  potentially leading to a friends list that includes individuals one may not know well. Depending on your settings, the app can collect substantial data about your habits within and outside of the app. Moreover, Snapchat collaborates with numerous third parties, sharing user data with them.

As a responsible parent or guardian, it’s essential to engage in open conversations about these aspects with your kids and establish guidelines for safe and responsible use of Snapchat.

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Navigating Snapchat’s Family Center for enhanced parental control

The Family Center feature on Snapchat provides parents and caregivers valuable insights into their children’s app usage, offering visibility into their communications.

This involves installing the app, linking accounts, and receiving consent from the child to activate the Family Center features. Parents can also learn about their child’s friend list and recent communication activities.

In a January 2024 update, Snapchat introduced additional Family Center features, allowing parents to view and manage their child’s privacy settings. Families now have the option to restrict their child’s interaction with My AI, the app’s AI chatbot.

Snapchat’s latest parental control update

With the latest updates, Snapchat has allowed parents to restrict their kids and teens from interacting with the AI chatbot. The new parental control feature was launched by the company in response to the ongoing AI’s negative feature and inappropriate content discussion. Besides this, parents now have easier access to the Family Center. 

The new restriction feature was designed to safeguard and protect harmful responses, and in case Snapchatters repeatedly misuse the service, there would be temporary usage restrictions. 

Read more: Snapchat AI Chatbot: Should parents be worried about their teens’ privacy?

Unveiling the Features of Snapchat’s Family Center

Family Center is a feature designed to empower parents with insights into their teens’ interactions on Snapchat, fostering a balance between supervision and respect for privacy and autonomy. It mirrors real-world parental engagement where awareness of friendships and social activities coexists with a respect for private conversations.

For parents aged 25 and above, Family Center provides the following capabilities:

  1. Chat insights

Parents can see which Snapchat friends or groups their teens have engaged within the last seven days. Privacy is upheld as the actual contents of conversations (Snaps and messages) are not revealed.

  1. Group chat overview

A comprehensive list of Group members in Group chats their teen is part of, active over the last seven days, is accessible.

  1. Friends list transparency

Parents can easily view their teens’ existing friends and identify new friends added, facilitating conversations about new contacts.

  1. Content viewing controls

Parents can limit their teen’s access to specific content in the Stories and 

Spotlight tabs. Parents can now also see if their teen is sharing their location with their friends on the Snap Map.

  1. Safety reporting

Parents can confidentially report any accounts that raise concerns directly to the 24/7 Trust and Safety team.

Family Center thus serves as a tool for parents to stay informed about their teens’ Snapchat activities while respecting the boundaries of privacy, providing a platform for open communication, and ensuring a safer online experience.

Read more: How to Secure Snapchat – The Ultimate Solutions

Bottom line

Remember, proactive conversations about online safety, potential abuse, and the responsible use of Snapchat, combined with the robust tools provided by Snapchat Family Center, can make Snapchat a secure and enjoyable space for your teens. 

Furthermore, to address parental worries about online security and privacy, parents can install PureVPN on their teenagers’ smart devices. PureVPN serves as a valuable tool for those seeking anonymous usage of Snapchat. By utilizing PureVPN you can ensure that your kid’s IP address and location remain concealed, adding an extra layer of security to their Snapchat experience. 

For additional details on leveraging PureVPN for Snapchat, click here. Don’t forget to follow the PureVPN Blog for additional insights and tips on ensuring a secure online environment for your family.

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How can parents monitor Snapchat?

Parents can use Snapchat’s Family Center to gain insights into their teen’s activities, view friend lists, and manage privacy settings for a balanced approach to supervision.

Why shouldn’t you let your teen use Snapchat?

Parents may be concerned about potential exposure to inappropriate content, privacy issues, and the misconception of disappearing messages, so making careful consideration is necessary. Have a conversation with your teen about the dangers of Snapchat.

Is Snapchat safe for children to use?

While Snapchat has safety features, parents should be vigilant when it comes to their kids due to potential risks, including exposure to explicit content and interactions with strangers.

What are the risks of creating a Snapchat account?

The risks of a Snapchat account include exposure to inappropriate content, potential contact with strangers, and the misconception that messages disappear, highlighting the need for parental guidance.

Can parents see Snapchat stories?

Yes, parents can view their teen’s Snapchat stories through the Family Center, allowing them to stay informed about their child’s online activities.

Does Snapchat show people my phone number?

Snapchat may display your phone number to friends, depending on your privacy settings. It’s essential to adjust settings to control the visibility of personal information.

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