How to avoid Australian metadata retention with a VPN
PureVPNPureVPN NewsDigital FreedomHow to avoid Australian metadata retention with a VPN

Metadata has been referred to as an activity log because it contains the data necessary for communication. It used to be the address printed on the envelope. 

The time, date, length, locations of a connection, and more are all included in contemporary telecommunications metadata. 

By exposing the websites you visit, metadata can reveal where you work, live, visit, communicate with, and possibly even what plans you have. 

Australia’s data retention law is one of the most comprehensive and intrusive data collection schemes in the western world. Authorities will monitor your every call, text, and email under the latest metadata retention laws adopted by the Australian government. 

Avoid Australian metadata retention with a VPN

These regulations are reportedly in place to defend Australia and Australians from terrorism and criminals. 

However, you can use a VPN to get around these data retention laws if you don’t want the authorities to be able to see your online activities.

How is your privacy affected by Australian data retention

By Australian law, content is given priority over metadata. Thus, while a warrant is required to intercept a telephone call or an email, metadata is simply accessed without one by law enforcement officials and any other organizations that the law authorizes, such as local governments. 

Your details like name, DOB, address, email address, and other identifying account information are just a few of the personal information revealed through the data collection. 

Other communication information, such as the means of communication and the location at the beginning, end, and during the communication, is also monitored.

Online privacy is at risk because data retention gives the government access to customer information. 

Email, phone calls, and text messages you send and receive domestically may be subject to metadata retention. This access might lead to government surveillance or abuse, making users a security risk and criminals looking to steal data for malicious purposes. 

Authorities in law enforcement have a lot of room to monitor and retrieve consumer data via Australia’s metadata retention regulations, which also leaves the possibility for misuse. 

The law’s goal is to give law enforcement officials the freedom to look into terrorism and criminal activity to find culprits through the metadata obtained.

How concerned are Australians about the laws governing data retention

Despite having a good goal, the data retention law has generated controversy. According to the act, carriers must keep up to two years’ data for each subscriber. 

The vast amount of data is thought to aid law enforcement in thwarting domestic terrorism. Although the objective seems admirable, Australians are worried about the possibility of data breaches that could jeopardize their neighbors’ privacy. 

It’s impossible to exclude such possibilities completely because hackers use more sophisticated approaches.

Moreover, there are questions over the effectiveness of monitoring every Australian to stop terrorism. Instead, it appears to be a haphazard attempt to throw a wide net without any clear direction. 

The expense of data storage, partially covered by the government, is another pressure on telecommunications companies. 

In other words, an extensive monitoring system that records every phone and text is being funded by Australian taxpayers. 

The implementation of the regulation worried journalists in particular because they might be using confidential sources. 

Strong opposition led to a change to the bill that requires a specific warrant before the relevant agencies can access journalists’ metadata.

How using a VPN will avoid data retention

Nobody enjoys having their internet history recorded, stored, and accessible to government agencies. When you use a VPN, your ISP cannot see the websites you browse, your online activities, or the substance of your communications because a VPN encrypts your online connection. 

Some VPN companies, like PureVPN keep much less data than a telecom provider or an ISP. To prevent your ISP or Australian telecom provider from accessing your personal information, use PureVPN worldwide. 

PureVPN can consistently provide the highest standard of security and confidentiality since they own and operate their network independently of any other parties. A VPN like PureVPN safeguards you against intrusive data retention practices in this way.

How to configure a VPN

Virtual Private Networks, also known as VPNs, protect your data and private information from invasive tactics like data retention. 

With outstanding security, an Australia VPN will protect your information from Australia’s recently implemented data retention rules. With outstanding security, an Australia VPN will protect your information from Australia’s recently implemented data retention rules. 

Just adhere to some simple steps to begin using a VPN:

  • Sign up and subscribe to a VPN: 

To begin, first sign up for a VPN service. PureVPN doesn’t use external servers and provides several various VPN protocols.

  • Set up and download the VPN:

Install your VPN and open the program on your chosen device.

  • Choose the server you want to link:

You can select from more than 78 server locations worldwide with PureVPN.

  • Make use of your internet to stream whatever you want:

Now you can freely use your internet and stream with the comfort that your security and privacy are respected.


The government should consider how this retention system may affect human rights. The Australians have a right to be aware that access to personal metadata is restricted and that journalists will not be put on trial for doing their jobs.


rmv_Faizan haider


January 1, 2024


1 year ago

Faizan Haider is a researcher, editor and marketer at PureVPN. He enjoys writing about cyber security, IoT, ethical hacking and anything related to technology.

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