Types of IP Proxy Errors

What are IP Proxy Errors Types, and How Can You Solve Them Now?

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PUREVPNIP AddressWhat are IP Proxy Errors Types, and How Can You Solve Them Now?

You may experience a proxy error daily or after two days. These errors could be more irritating and can create multiple challenges for you. 

Let’s discuss what proxy errors are and how you can solve them. 

Types of IP Proxy Errors

Understanding Proxy Errors

An HTTP error status that occurs when a request sent by proxy to a web server fails is known as a proxy error. A proxy server is a middleman between you and the internet. 

This means that users can communicate with websites without revealing their IP address. 

Proxy server and configuration problems are indicated by various types of proxy issue codes, such as 407 (Proxy Authentication Required), 503 (Service Unavailable), and 502 (Bad Gateway).

Common Causes of Proxy Errors

There may be many reasons for a proxy error, including the proxy server being down or overloaded, blocked or banned by the website, requiring authentication or authorization, being incompatible with the website’s protocol or encryption, or having incorrect or corrupt proxy settings.

Proxy Errors fall into various categories that we have discussed below. 

1xx HTTP Status Codes – Information Responses

Among the 1xx category of HTTP status codes, no proxy problems are detected. The server must have received and is processing the request. 

These temporary codes are informative, providing information about the state of the request and improving communication efficiency. Following are the HTTP status codes within the 1xx category.

100 (Continue)

This is only a temporary response, just instructing the client to continue sending the request body or ignore it if it is already complete.

101 (Switching Protocols)

The upgrade header alerts the server to the client’s request, and the server agrees to switch to a new protocol.


102 (Processing)

The request is received, and the server is processing it, but the response still needs to be sent entirely.

103 (Early Hints)

This status code is typically returned with the Link header. This header allows the client to start loading some resources before the server has finished its response.

2xx – Successful Responses

Regarding proxy status codes, the subcategory 2xx indicates that the server has received and successfully processed the client’s inquiry, with no proxy server errors detected. 

These codes imply that the server either returns or generates the requested resource. Additionally, 2xx codes convey details about the request, such as whether it was approved but not yet finished, whether some content was partially returned, or whether a client document view reset was required. 

Following are the HTTP status codes within the 2xx category.

200 – Request Succeeded (OK)

This status indicates the request is booming, and the server returns the requested resource. Usually, it is the response to GET requests or specific POST requests.

201 – Resource Created (Created)

This status shows a successful request, which resulted in the creation of a new resource. It is usually the response to a POST or specific PUT request.

202 – Request Accepted (Accepted)

The server acknowledges receiving and accepting the request, even though processing is still ongoing. A final response from the server will be sent to you later.

203 – Non-Authoritative Information

This indicates that the information returned may have originated from a source other than the origin server, but the request was successful. 

204 – No Content

The request is booming, but there is nothing to return. When a DELETE request is successful, a response of this kind is usually sent. 

205 – Reset Content

The client is informed that the request was granted and is asked to return to the original document view. This is usually used after a successful submission to clear form data.

206 – Partial Content

A successful request in which only a part of the requested resource is returned. Usually, it is used for range requests. HTTP range requests let a client request only a particular interest, or range, of a resource rather than the whole resource. 

This is useful when the client may only need a small portion of the resource, such as when resuming a download or streaming a video. 


3xx – Redirection Responses

Among the HTTP status codes, 3xx means the client must take additional action to fulfill its request. To accomplish this, the server sends the client to another URL that contains the requested resource or a list of options. 

These codes also supply information about the redirection, whether permanent or temporary, whether it requires a different request method or uses a proxy.

The HTTP status codes for the 3xx category are listed below. 

300 – Multiple Choices

When a request has several possible replies, the server provides a menu of choices from which the client can choose.

301 – Moved Permanently

This means that the request has been permanently redirected to another URL. Subsequent client requests should use the new URL.

302 – Found

If it turns out to be only a temporary redirect, the server deflects the request to another URL, and the client must use the original URL in future requests.

303 – See Other

A POST request leading to a new resource is then redirected to another URL by the server, to be retrieved using a GET method.

304 – Not Modified

The client can use a cached version if the returned message says that the help has not been modified since the last request.

305 – Use Proxy

The server states that the request must be accessed through a proxy specified by the server.

307 – Temporary Redirect

For a temporary change of direction, the server redirects the request to a different URL, and the client must use the same request method for subsequent requests.

4xx – Client Errors

HTTP status codes of the 4xx category are errors that prevent the server from fulfilling the request. The client should tell the server that certain elements, such as syntax, parameters, headers, credentials, or request format, must be checked and resent. 

These codes contain additional information about the error. The data is related to authentication, authorization, timeout, conflict, or unsupported features.

The HTTP status codes for the 4xx category are listed below. 

400 – Bad Request

The proxy server may not be reachable by the server due to incorrect syntax, non-HTTP traffic, incompatible protocols, mutual authentication issues, or malformed headers.

401 – Unauthorized

Credentials need to be included or corrected. For resource access, the client must provide a correct username and password.

402 – Payment Required

For future use, specifying the request cannot proceed without payment.

403 – Forbidden

The request is valid but rejected. Due to insufficient permissions, web application firewall rules, or IP restrictions, the server denies authorization.

404 – Not Found

Resource not found on the Web server. It is usually a missing link, deleted page, mistyped URL, or moved help.


405 – Method Not Allowed

For example, the resource doesn’t support the method contained in the request, such as a POST request on a read-only page.

406 – Not Acceptable

The format the request specifies is acceptable but different from the one the server supports. For instance, the server may only provide JSON, but the client may only accept XML

407 – Proxy Authentication Required

A proxy server’s authentication credentials need to be present or updated. For proxy access, the client must provide a valid username and password.


408 – Request Timeout

The request takes too long, and the server cancels it. It is usually because of network problems, sluggish servers, or large files.

409 – Conflict

This request contradicts the current condition of the resource, like a concurrent update occurring on the same page.

410 – Gone

That resource is no longer on the server, as described in the request. This has been removed on purpose and should not be re-requested.

411 – Length Required

The length of the required content header needs to be included in the request. The client has to re-send the request with the correct title.

412 – Precondition Failed

It includes a precondition header on the server, which evaluates to be false. For example, a conditional GET request fails because the resource has been modified.

413 – Payload Too Large

The payload of the request is too large for the server to handle. The client must decrease the payload size and resend the request.

414 – URI Too Long

The request URI exceeds the server’s limit. The client must shorten the URI and resend the request to the server.

415 – Unsupported Media Type

The server will not support the media type of the request’s payload. The client must send a new request using another media type.

416 – Range Not Satisfiable

The request includes a range header the server cannot handle, such as a range longer than the resource.

417 – Expectation Failed

The request also contains an expectation header that the server cannot fulfill. Such as demanding HTTPS, whereas the server can only do HTTP.

419 – Page Expired

This request is related to an expired page due to inactivity. The client should reload the page and resubmit the bid.

422 – Unprocessable Entity

The request is well-structured but contains syntactic mistakes, such as validation errors on a form.

423 – Locked

The request is for an immutable resource that is locked. First, the client should unlock the help before making any changes.

424 – Failed Dependency

Another failed request prevents you from connecting to the proxy server. The client must repair the faulty request and retry.

425 – Too Early

The request is sent too soon and can be attacked by replay attacks. The client should send the request only after a particular condition emerges.

426 – Upgrade Required

The request uses an unsupported protocol, and an upgrade is needed. The server includes a list of supported protocols in the response.

428 – Precondition Required

The request must contain a required precondition header. The client should resend the request with the proper title.

429 – Too Many Requests

The request exceeds the server’s rate limit. The client should lower the request frequency and retry later.

431 – Request Header Fields Too Large

The request contains one or more header fields that are too large for the server to handle. The client should shorten the header field size and resubmit the bid. 

5xx (Server Errors)

A 5xx category HTTP status code indicates that the request can’t be completed for some reason. It is because the proxy server encountered an error or suddenly couldn’t reach the destination site. 

The client cannot resolve a 5xx error, which usually means the proxy cannot connect with the server. Instead, the web admin or administrator must determine whether the problem lies with the software, hardware, configuration, or network. 

Following are the HTTP status codes within the 5xx category.

500 (Internal Server Error)

An unforeseen situation prevented the server from completing the request. It may be due to misconfiguration, faulty code, hardware failure, or network problems.

501 (Not Implemented)

The server does not supply the required facilities. The methods, protocols, or extensions may not be supported.

502 (Bad Gateway)


The server acted as a gateway or proxy and received an invalid response from the upstream server. Misconfigured proxies, overloaded servers, or network errors could be the cause. 

503 (Service Unavailable)

The server cannot handle the request for the time being due to maintenance or temporary overload. The server should include a Retry-After header specifying when the service will be available again

504 (Gateway Timeout)

The server, which might be like a gateway or proxy, did not receive a prompt response from the upstream server. The problem may be network congestion, slow servers, or firewall problems.

505 (HTTP Version Not Supported)

The server does not support the HTTP version employed in the request, causing the client to choose a different HTTP version and resend the request.

506 (Variant Also Negotiates)

A connection to the proxy could not be established because the request could not be adequately represented on the server side due to an internal configuration error. This is likely due to circular references in content negotiation.

507 (Insufficient Storage)

There is insufficient space on the server for the required resource, so the client must reduce the resource size and resend its request.

508 (Loop Detected)

The server has found an infinite loop while processing the request, possibly caused by recursive redirects or proxies.

509 (Bandwidth Limit Exceeded)

The server cannot fulfill the request because the allocated bandwidth has been exceeded. It is not a standard HTTP status code, although some servers or web hosting providers may use it.

510 (Not Extended)

If the server receives the request and the client does not support the required extension, the server must provide a list of required attachments in the response.

511 (Network Authentication Required)

To access the resource, the client must authenticate itself to the network. Some networks use this status to require user login or agreement to terms of service.

How To Solve Proxy Errors 

We should carefully consider various solutions for the browser proxy error. To minimize problems, check out the following ways to avoid these pitfalls.

Use Residential Proxies 

Data center IPs are typically cheaper but are limited in number, so they are less suitable for scraping than the other options. They are also more likely to encounter proxy server errors. 

Unlike data center proxies, which are leased servers, residential proxies are real devices with real IP addresses that offer a larger IP pool and can rotate more easily and securely to avoid blocking.

Enhance IP Rotation

You need to perform efficient IP rotation so that websites do not block your IP address due to too many requests from a single IP address. 

Set up a system with your proxy management tool or scraper that changes the IP address after each request to avoid suspicion and make scraping easy and flexible.

Limit the Number of Requests

Excessively high demands on a single server raise suspicion, overload the server, and can lead to problems with proxy servers. 

Even with the correct rotation of proxies, you should keep the number of requests within reasonable limits.

Ensure Scraper Capabilities

If the proxy connection does not work correctly after maintaining it properly, you should upgrade to a stronger scrapper. 

This is especially needed if you work with increasingly advanced websites, such as E-commerce websites that are very careful with their data and go to great lengths to protect themselves, including preventing scraping.

Use VPN 

The last solution is to use a VPN. A strong VPN will solve your proxy errors by providing a secure and private connection to the internet. We recommend using PureVPN because it is the fastest and most reliable service. 

It has 6500 servers worldwide which you can use to set your location and trick the hackers. It can mask your actual IP address by assigning you a new address, which will be unique for your network. It is effortless to use. All you have to do is: 

  1. Download PureVPN.
  2. Purchase a subscription.
  3. Connect to a server.
  4. And that’s it. All your proxy issues will be resolved within a few minutes. 

Improve Your Internet Connection By Solving Proxy Error

You should master practical techniques for solving the problems encountered when scraping off a web page, from handling browser proxy errors to raising access efficiency. 

You must apply these solutions to improve scraping processes, achieve successful data collection, and improve your internet connection. Remember to use PureVPN for an extra layer of protection. 


Marrium Akhtar


January 17, 2024


4 months ago

Marrium is a dedicated digital Marketer and an SEO enthusiast who is skilled in cracking SEO codes. Other than work, she loves to stream, eat, and repeat.

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