wurm unlimited port forwarding

Game Like a Pro with this Wurm Unlimited Port Forwarding Guide

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PUREVPNPort ForwardingGame Like a Pro with this Wurm Unlimited Port Forwarding Guide

A sandbox video game, Wurm Unlimited, provides players with unlimited possibilities to build a world around them. So to make the most of this medieval fantasy, it is recommended to configure Wurm Unlimited Port Forwarding on your network router.

Opening ports for Wurm Unlimited will enable a direct communication line between your system and the game server, providing an improved gaming experience. And if you are new to configuring ports, don’t be worried, we have a list of everything you need to know to port forward Wurm Unlimited easily.

However, if you want to jump the manual procedure, we have a simple port forwarding solution that allows you to open ports and bypass CGNAT with just a few clicks. Read on to learn more!

wurm unlimited port forwarding

Requirements for Wurm Unlimited port forwarding

  • The default IP address of your router to log into its dashboard/user panel
  • The static IP address of your system to create a port forwarding rule.
  • The TCP/UDP port numbers and protocols
  • The user credentials such as the username and password to access your router

Steps to configure port forwarding for Wurm Unlimited on your router

Check out these easy to go steps to open ports for Wurm Unlimited on our network router:

  1. Open a browser on your computer and type in the IP of your network route in the search field [i.e. or].
  2. Access the router dashboard by logging in using your credentials. Mostly, the username is admin and the password is admin/password.  
  3. Navigate to a section with the name Firewall, Application and Game, or Advanced.
  4. Create a new port forwarding rule and assign a relevant name to this service.
  5. Add the static IP address and a protocol for the service. 
  6. Add the TCP and UDP ports used for Wurm Unlimited port forwarding.
  7. Save these configurations and restart your network router. 

Adding a new port forwarding rule for any device or application, such as Wurm Unlimited, typically follows a similar process. However, the specific steps may vary depending on the router. It is recommended to refer to the router’s documentation or user manual for accurate instructions.

TCP and UDP ports for Wurm Unlimited port forwarding

Here are the specific TCP and UDP ports you can use for Wurm Unlimited server port forwarding and improve server connectivity:

  • TCP ports: 3724, 27015-27030, 8766,  27036-27037
  • UDP ports: 4380,27000-27031,  8766, 27036

Please note that this list may not be exhaustive, as certain network services and applications may require additional ports to be opened. It is advisable to check with the game’s support team for confirmation.

Skip manual steps and open ports with PureVPN’s port forwarding add-on

Port forwarding can be a tiring task if done manually. However, with a reliable add-on, you can open ports more efficiently and securely. PureVPN’s port forwarding add-on can help you port forward Wurm Unlimited in just a few seconds, eliminating the need for complicated configurations. Here is how you can forward ports using this add-on: 

  1. Log into the member area of PureVPN
  2. Go to the Subscription tab
  3. Navigate to Configure
  4. Choose the required port settings
  5. Click Apply Settings

Open ports behind CGNAT with PureVPN!

CGNAT can complicate port forwarding if you are trying to improve your gaming experience or operate an online server. It converts multiple private IP addresses into public ones hence port forwarding can create conflicts if allowed by the ISP. 

A solution for this issue is a dedicated IP which you can request from your service provider, but it can be expensive and only provide a temporary solution. Alternatively, you can choose a complete network solution like PureVPN to overcome this problem!

PureVPN provides a reliable and secure method for setting up port forwarding quickly, even in the presence of CGNAT. To learn more about this comprehensive solution, click on the provided link.

Streamline port forwarding: Get the PureVPN add-on

PureVPN’s add-on can streamline the port forwarding procedure for you if you are having difficulties opening ports behind CGNAT. With this add-on, you can easily access, block, or open ports without dealing with complex steps.

PureVPN’s port forwarding add-on provides several benefits, including the ability to surpass CGNAT limitations, configure router settings, and improve network speed and security. To learn more about this effective port forwarding add-on, click on the link below.

To conclude

You now have the steps to forward Wurm Unlimited ports on your network router and play games online with friends. However, if you find the manual port forwarding process challenging, PureVPN’s port forwarding add-on can make things simpler. It can streamline the entire process, improving your network security and gameplay experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I configure port forwarding rules on my router for Wurm Unlimited?

You can create new port forwarding rules by accessing your router’s web interface using its IP address. In the port forwarding section, you can easily create a new rule or service and assign a relevant name, port, and protocol.

What ports are required for port forwarding Wurm Unlimited?

The exact list of ports may vary depending on the configurations, however here are the general TCP and UDP ports used for Wurm Unlimited port forwarding:
TCP ports: 3724, 27015-27030, 8766,  27036-27037
UDP ports: 4380,27000-27031,  8766, 27036

Is it safe to port forward Wurm Unlimited?

Port forwarding is generally safe if the network hasn’t been infected with malware. While it may pose some security risks, using a VPN, like PureVPN, can help protect your devices against external and internal security threats.

How can I log into my router to configure settings?

You can use your router’s IP address to log into the user control panel. Enter the IP in the search bar and log in using your credentials. You can find the router’s IP behind the router itself or by typing “ipconfig” in the command prompt.

Can port forwarding improve my gaming experience?

Port forwarding can enhance your gaming experience by creating a stable and direct line of communication between the gaming device and the server. Additionally, it enables you to host servers for multiplayer games, allowing you to play online with your friends.


Marrium Akhtar


May 11, 2023


12 months ago

Marrium is a dedicated digital Marketer and an SEO enthusiast who is skilled in cracking SEO codes. Other than work, she loves to stream, eat, and repeat.

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