How to use a VPN with Helium Hotspot

Helium hotspots send small data packets from sensors on Internet of Things (IoT) devices through a peer-to-peer wireless network. They broadcast radio signals using your existing internet connection. The Helium network allows any compatible IoT device to transmit its data without having to use a cellular or WiFi network. If you want to configure your Helium hotspot with a VPN, read on to learn more.

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helium hotspot

How to configure Helium hotspot with a VPN

Just follow these steps:



to a PureVPN of your choice


Set Up

PureVPN on your VPN-compatible router using OpenVPN



set a static IP address for your Helium hotspot on your router and forward the required ports (TCP 44158) to configure it with PureVPN

Why should you use a Helium Hotspot VPN?

Using a VPN with your Helium hotspot, you can solve most relay issues (i.e. miner not being reachable) that arise in cases like:

  • When you use a router that doesn’t support port forwarding properly.
  • When your ISP applies NAT/CGNAT.
  • When your ISP switches your public IP address periodically.
  • When your ISP assigns dynamic public IP addresses that change at every router restart.
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Frequently asked questions

Can you use a VPN with your Helium hotspot?

If you want to use a VPN with your Helium Hotspot, you’ll need a suitable VPN router that also supports port forwarding.

Do Helium hotspots need WiFi?

The Hotspot delivers data packets transmitted by devices using your existing internet (through WiFi or Ethernet). It doesn’t replace cellular or internet service for regular devices such as smartphones and computers.