PureVPN’s 31-day Money-Back Guarantee
Subscribe to PureVPN and test it for 31 days completely risk-free. Avail a full refund within 31 days without any hassle, questions asked or you can try PureVPN.
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31-day money-back guarantee
Connect with PureVPN and use the service for 31 days. Browse, stream, share files, and much more as much as you want for 31 days. No limits, no restrictions.
If you are not 100% satisfied with the speed, security, and benefits of PureVPN, you can contact our customer support via live chat or email and get your money back.
Is the warranty for 1 month or 31 days?
PureVPN guarantees a full refund for exactly 31 days. For example, if you place your order at 1 pm on December 1, you can contact customer service at any time before 1 pm on December 31 and request a full refund.How will the refund be processed?
The entire refund amount will be credited to your original payment method as soon as possible. For example, if you paid through PayPal, your PayPal account will be credited. If you paid via credit card, you will see the refund reflected in your bank statement.