How to Open Ports for Overwatch Using Port Forwarding

Overwatch is a great game, and we love playing it. The only problem is that sometimes your connection to the game servers can be unreliable. Sometimes, that’s because of blocked ports. A solution to this problem is to enable port forwarding for Overwatch. you can do that straight from your router, and in this guide I’ll show you how.

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Quickly & Safely Open Ports Behind CGNAT

Opening a port behind CGNAT shouldn’t be complicated. With the Port Forwarding add-on, it’s as simple as 1, 2, and 3

Ports Needed To Run Overwatch

Here are the ports that Overwatch uses, and which we are going to forward:

Ports To Forward Port Numbers
PC – Windows – TCP 1119, 3724, 6113
PC – Windows – UDP 5060, 5062, 6250, 3478-3479, 12000-64000
PlayStation 4 – TCP 1935, 3478-3480
PlayStation 4 – UDP 3074, 3478-3479
Xbox One – TCP 3074
Xbox One – UDP 88, 500, 3074, 3544, 4500

How to Enable Overwatch Port Forwarding

Now we’re going to forward your ports. To do that, we go into the settings on your router. But first up, you’re going to need some extra details.

Find and make a note of the following:

  • Your router’s IP address
  • The IP address of your PC or console
  • The ports that are used by Overwatch. These are in the list above, so you can copy them.

Now we forward the ports. The process for that is easy:

The process for forwarding a port is generally:

  • Open a web browser open on your PC or console, and paste you router’s IP into the address bar.
  • You’ll now see your router’s settings menu. Find the port forwarding options.
  • In the port forwarding menu, you’ll need the details you just collected.
  • Enter your router’s IP address into the box
  • And then copy your PC or console’s IP address into the other box.
  • To finish up, enter the ports for Overwatch, which you can copy from above.
  • Then restart your router, and your ports will be forwarded.

PureVPN’s Port Forwarding Add-on

We made our port forwarding add-on to take the hassle out of port forwarding for all of your games, not just Overwatch. Using the add-on, you can block and unblock ports with just a few clicks.


Benefits of Using PureVPN Port Forwarding Add-On

  • PureVPN port forwarding add-on also comes with some great additional benefits.

  • It works with almost every device out there, so you can forward your ports from your phone or tablet.

  • It will boost your torrenting speed, because port forwarding also improves P2P speeds.

  • Lastly, it’s fully compatible with CGNAT (Carrier Grade Network Address Translation).