PS5 Port Forwarding: Your Next Step to Better Gaming

    • Optimize your gaming with a stable connection.

    • Host multiplayer game sessions directly to your console.

    • Ensure reliable connection in Remote gameplay.

    • Allow efficient data transfer while downloading updates.

    • Resolve NAT and CGNAT issues for ideal gaming.

    • Protect against cyber threats like DDoS and fraud.

Why choose the PureVPN Add-on for PS5 Port Forwarding?

Ultimate Security

Basic firewalls, strong passwords and best controls are sometimes needed. With rising DDoS attacks, gaming is always insecure. PureVPN gives you the best-in-time encryption(AES 256-bit) to keep you undercover. Your IP address is under leak protection, too. Be anonymous and secure.


Consistent Internet Speed

Data caps, bottlenecks and throttling are the main core problems of gamers. CGNAT and NAT types are also a barrier. With PureVPN’s Port Forwarding add-on, open ports without network restrictions. Keep your gaming sessions lag-free.

Hosting Made Better

IP address conflicts, port selection and remote play hold gamers back. With PureVPN’s dedicated IP add-on and port forwarding, you host servers efficiently. Have the customisation and control in your hands with security that never fails.


Back in Queue Safety Features

DDoS attacks, identity theft, credit card scams and frauds are the drawbacks of online gaming. PureVPN comes with a range of features that never expose your data. With a Kill Switch, Smart DNS leak prevention and No-Log policy, experience your PS5 Port Forwarding easily.

PS5 Port Forwarding with PureVPN: Step-by-step

Step 1

Get PureVPN+Port forwarding add-on

Step 2

Sign in and select the Configure option.

Step 3

Choose your required port settings.